Dear friends and colleagues,


The Northern European Network for Wood Science and Engineering started in 2004. After 18 successful meetings in 10 different partner countries, WSE has become a well-established platform for researchers from various fields of wood science and engineering.
We look forward to welcoming you in Ås/Oslo for 19th meeting of the WSE!


19th Annual Meeting of the Northern European Network for Wood Science and Engineering (WSE 2023) 10-12 October2023, Ås/Oslo, Norway

This year the theme is:

“Wood and Wood Product Recycling and Reuse: Challenges and Opportunities”.


Key dates

  • 07 August 2023- Registration deadline
  • 15 August 2023- Deadline for submission of Extended abstracts

Download the template for the extended abstract here

We encourage scientists and engineers, in particular early stage researchers (students and PhD students), to submit an extended abstract that cover the meeting's themes.

Abstracts should be sent to the conference secretariat by

As an alternative to an oral presentation, a poster can be submitted. Therefore, please indicate in your registration whether you would like to give an oral presentation or to display a poster.

For the posters, there is no need to send in an abstract, only title and authors

  • 10 October 2023- PhD workshop in Ås
  • 10 October 2023- Welcome reception in Oslo
  • 11-12 October 2023– Conference in Ås, dinner in Oslo

Conference themes

  • Wood physics and mechanics
  • Wood protection and modification, durability
  • Wood engineering
  • Engineered wood products & composites
  • Application of wood-based materials

This year there is an emphasis on this topic: Wood cascading is an important part of the Circular Economy, where resources are retained in the value circle for as long as possible.

Cascading of wood provides benefits by:

  • Retaining the carbon storage benefits for a longer time
  • Reducing energy consumption in some processes, such as wood drying
  • Reducing virgin wood consumption in final products, thus improving the availability and sustainability of wood products

-----There are now several projects emerging in Northern Europe on wood recycling and reuse. There is a strong need for these projects to align and work together. The goal for WSE 2023

is to inform on these ongoing projects and to exchange knowledge. -----


Pre-conference PhD workshop

A full-day PhD workshop for a maximum of 40 Masters and PhD students will be held on ‘Wood and Wood Product Recycling and Reuse: Challenges and Opportunities’. Theoretical and practical lectures will be given with a focus on:

  • Sorting and qualities of waste wood
  • Policy and regulations
  • Areas of use
  • Environmental impact

Lectures will be given by among others:


We will also try to facilitate a visit to a wood recycling center.



This conference are intended for researchers from Northern Europe and there is no registration fee for this group. Participant outside Northern Europe can also attend, but will have to pay a registration fee of 3500NOK.

Only presentations or poster covering topics of interest for northern Europe will be accepted.

This conference is supported by SNS

If you wish to register after the deadline 7 August, then you must contact Erik Larnøy.






From Tuesday, October 10, 2023 9:00 AM
To Thursday, October 12, 2023 6:00 PM
Monday, August 7, 2023 11:59 PM

Activity is finished and you can no longer register.

Program WSE 2023

  • 10. October 2023

  • 18.00

    Reception in Oslo at the Opera

  • 11. October 2023

  • 08.00

    Registration in Ås Vitenparken

    Coffee / tea 

  • 08.30


    Erik Larnøy

  • 11.15 - 11.30

    Coffee break

  • 13.00 - 14.00


  • 16.15 - 16.30

    Coffee break

  • 17.00

    End of program

  • 19.00

    Dinner in Oslo

  • 12. October 2023

  • 08.30

    WSE Conference continues - morning coffee

  • 09.00


  • 10.30 - 10.45

    Coffee break

  • 13.00 - 14.00


  • 15.00

    Student awards

  • 15.15

    Closing of WSE 2023

  • 15.45

    Visit of laboratories (optional)

This year we have three awards!


. The first is the student award for best student presentation. The award is sponsored by DYNEA with 500€. 

. The second award is the best student poster award. The award is sponsored by OMTRE with 300€.

. The third is the award of best Video abstract. This is not only for students, but for anybody handing in an extended abstract. The award is sponsored by CIOL AS with 300€. Examples and previous VA can be seen here:

Tutorial can be found here:


Contact info to Erik Larnøy



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Travel and accommodation

Train from Gardermoen airport (Oslo lufthavn) to Oslo S takes approximately 20 minutes, trains are leaving all the time (9 trains per hour).

Train from Oslo S to Ås takes 17 minutes leaves every 30 minutes. 20 and 50 minutes past every hour.

There are two major routes you can take to Ås.

Either take the train from Oslo S to Ås, and walk 15 minutes


Take the train from Oslo S to Ski, and the bus from there, only few hundred meters to walk.


Address NIBIO and PhD workshop: Høgskoleveien 8 (south entrance)

Address conference venue: Vitenparken Campus Ås


Public transport in and around Oslo - How to buy a ticket

To travel within Oslo you only need a ticket for zone 1. Ås is located in zone 2 so you need a ticket for zone 1 and 2.

Here you can find information on how you buy a Ruter ticket or travel card for bus, tram, metro, ferry and train in Oslo and parts of Viken (formerly Akershus).

Cash is not normal in Norway, so you are better of installing the app:


The Ruter app

Plan your journey, buy tickets and set up a personal profile in the Ruter app.

How the Ruter app works:


If apps are not your thing, you can also by a travelcard:

You can buy all our tickets and obtain a travelcard at the following sales outlets:

  • The kiosks Narvesen, 7-Eleven, Deli De Luca and Mix, as well as some selected shops
  • The customer service centre Ruter S and Service Points
  • Staffed train stations.

Find your nearest sales outlet:

How the travelcard works:



Hotel suggestions in downtown Oslo, price per night including breakfast (prices are flexible so they might change):

Clarion Hotel Oslo 2080,- NOK

Comfort Hotel Grand Central 1900,- NOK

Comfort Hotel Børsparken 1358,- NOK

Thon Hotel Opera 1830,- NOK (double 2130,-)

Thon Hotel Astoria 1295,- NOK (double 1595,-)

Thon Hotel Spectrum 1595,- NOK (double 1795,-)

Thon Hotel Rosenkrantz 2095,- NOK (double 2395,-)


Hotel in Ski is closer to NIBIO. Bus goes directly to NIBIO (16 minutes). Train station next to the hotel, fast train to Oslo (11 minutes).

Thon Hotel Ski 1495,- NOK (double 1695,-)


Walking distance 20 minutes from Ås station to the conference Vitenparken. 

Kart fra Ås stasjon til Vitenparken Campus Ås