Invitation to Webinar - BioFresh
The project BioFresh, bioeconomic production of fresh greenhouse vegetables in Norway, started in 2017 with the goal to develop knowledge to support sustainable, resource effective and profitable production of fresh, high quality greenhouse vegetables. The project was supported by the Norwegian Research Council. You can find more information about the project on our website:
At the end of the project, we now organize two webinars. The first one is on the 17th June, targeting the scientific community. The second is on the 24th June, targeting producers, supplier industries, governmental organizations, and other stakeholders. The language in the first webinar is English and in the second webinar Norwegian. The webinars are available for free, but registration is mandatory. You can register by filling out the following links:
For the webinar on the 24th June:
Registration form
Activity is finished and you can no longer register.
BioFresh: Bioeconomic and sustainable production of fresh greenhouse vegetables
Michel Verheul (NIBIO)
New approaches to optimize the cultivation of tomato in a greenhouse
Ivan Paponov (NIBIO and AU)
Coffee break
10.30- 11.15
Optimization of climate conditions to enhance yield and quality of tomato production in greenhouses
Martina Paponov (NIBIO)
Regulation of abscisic acid (ABA) metabolism in response to vapor-pressure deficit (VPD) in tomato plants
Sheona Innes (NMBU)
Lunch break
12.30- 13.15
Organic waste as fertilizer for sustainable cultivation of tomato in modern greenhouses
Dmitry Kechasov (NIBIO)
13.15- 13.35
Applying biotechnology to the exploration of beneficial plant–microbe interactions
Irina Averkina (UiS)
Improvement of fresh vegetable quality to consumers
Rune Slimestad (PlantChem)
Coffee break
Effects of climate management and greenhouse design on profitability and sustainability in greenhouse production
Cecilia Stanghellini (WUR)
Bioeconomic evaluation of greenhouse designs for different tomato production systems in Norway
Naseer Muhammed (NIBIO)
Optimization of supplemental light systems in tomato greenhouses at high latitudes
Jan-David Wacker (NIBIO)