Welcome to EAPR2024

Oslo, Norway, July 7-12, 2024


This is the first time Norway will host a Triennial conference of EAPR, the European Association for Potato Research, and the organizing committee is eager to make “the best Triennial conference ever”.

You are all very welcome to Oslo for the EAPR2024 Triennial Conference!

The website https://nibio.no/eapr2024 will contain our latest updates in the Program-page.
We have 12 interesting keynotes in the program, and 87 other presentationsin the program.

The headline for this conference is: Sustainable Potato production: advances and applications of Potato Research. We have 9 scientific sessions covering a broad specter of subjects related to the potato crop. The scientific committee consists of both Norwegian scientists and experts from other parts of Europe.

We have one full day of excursions during the conference to visit potato growing areas, including social activities.

There will be two separate workshops two days before the conference at the conference venue.

The first connected workshop will be on the day before the EAPR conference, it is the 3rd International Spongospora Workshop, July 6, 2024.

On Sunday, July 7, you may join the 1st European Wireworm workshop.
Arne Hermansen
President of EAPR

Looking forward to see you in Oslo!


Arne Hermansen
(President of EAPR)



Important dates and deadlines



July 2023


Early bird rate ending

7th April 2024



3rd May 2024






July 2023


Closing, final

1st March2024





15th December 2023

Photo: E. Fløistad, NIBIO

Photo: Fara Mori/Visit Oslo


EAPR 2024 Scientific committee

Organising committee

Muath Alsheikh, Graminor AS, NO  Muath Alsheikh, Graminor AS
May Bente Brurberg, NIBIO, NO  Jan Arne Broen, BAMA AS *
Domenico Carputo, University of Naples Federico II, IT May Bente Brurberg, NIBIO
Vincent Cesar, CRA-W, BE  Håvard Eikemo, NIBIO
Jean-Eric Chauvin, INRAE, FR  Erling Fløistad, NIBIO *
Kürt Demeulemeester, Inagro, BE  Borghild Glorvigen, NLR *
Laura Grenville-Briggs Didymus, SLU, SE Solveig Haukeland, NIBIO
Håvard Eikemo, NIBIO, NO  Pia Heltoft, NIBIO 
Adrian Fox, FERA, UK  Arne Hermansen, NIBIO *
Idit Ginzberg, ARO, Volcani Center, IL Kjersti Balke Hveem, NIBIO
Borghild Glorvigen, NLR, NO  Solveig Haugan Jonsen, Findus Norge AS
Jean Pierre Goffart, CRA-W, BE Anne-Helen Kalhovd, Maarud AS
Thilo Hammann, Julius Kühn-Institut, DE  Eldrid Lein Molteberg, NIBIO *
Solveig Haukeland, NIBIO, NO  Kari Munthe, NIBIO *
Kjersti Balke Hveem, NIBIO, NO  Ragnhild Nærstad , Syngenta
Erik Joner, NIBIO, NO  Simeon Rossmann, NIBIO
John Jones, James Hutton, UK Till Seehusen, NIBIO
Corne Kempenaar, WUR, NL  Annette Folkedal Schjøll, NIBIO
Jan Kreuze, CIP, PE Carl Spetz , NIBIO 
Alison Lees, James Hutton Institute, UK  Kristin Sørensen, NLR
Michel Martin, ARVALIS, FR Kirsten Tørresen, NIBIO
Andreas Meyer, Dethlingen Versuchsstation, DE   
Eldrid Lein Molteberg, NIBIO, NO  * Executive committee
Mariëlle Muskens, Agrico Research, NL   
Zsolt Polgar, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, HU  Others in tech. staff:
Simeon Rossmann, NIBIO, NO Ellen Schei Pongo, NIBIO
Annette Folkedal Schjøll, NIBIO, NO  Cathrine Lill Broch, NIBIO
Till Seehusen, NIBIO, NO  
Carl Spetz, NIBIO, NO   
Paul Struik, WUR, NL   
Pia Heltoft Thomsen, NIBIO, NO   
Ian Toth, James Hutton Institute, UK   
Kirsten Semb Tørresen, NIBIO, NO   

What is included in the participant fee?


Participants and fees

Get together Sunday evening

Lunch and coffebreaks Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

Reception Monday evening

Conference material


Conference dinner Thursday evening

NOK 7500,-





Not included

Not included


NOK 9000,-






Not included

Not included

NOK 4000,-





Not included

Not included

Keynote speaker





Not included

Not included

Participant one day
NOK 3000,-





Not included

Not included

Accompanying person
NOK 1500,-





Not included

Not included

 (x) Included the day of participation
(xx) Excursion Wednesday NOK 1000,-
(xxx) Conference dinner Thursday evening NOK 1500,-


Cancellations atfter June 1. 2024: No refund.


From Sunday, July 7, 2024 5:00 PM
To Sunday, September 1, 2024 3:00 PM

Activity is finished and you can no longer register.


EAPR 2024 - Sustainable potato production

Advances and Applications of Potato Research

Program at a glance  -  Program booklet - Book of abstracts (temp.ver.)

The program is organised in the following sessions.

  • Opening ceremony

    Opening ceremony

    EAPR2024 opens at 9.00 Monday July 8 in conference hall Atlantis 1+2


    • Music by Hildegunn Øiseth

    • Welcome to EAPR2024. Arne Hermansen, President of EAPR

    • Welcome address from NIBIO. Ivar H. Kristensen, CEO in NIBIO

    • 2 songs by «Sangsikadene», the NIBIO choir

    • Potatoes in Norway. Borghild Glorvigen, Potato Coordinator in NLR

    • Music by Hildegunn Øiseth

  • Keynote

    Food security

    Keynote: Potato: the smart crop for food security



    Monica Parker

    International Potato Center,
    Vancouver, Canada

    Dr. Parker is passionate about delivering science to realise the impacts potato can have. She has supported potato sector development through partnerships with governments, and public and private, community and farmer institutions in more than 10 countries throughout Africa and the Middle East.

    Key topics in the session:

    • Food waste
    • Consumer trends
    • Health effects
    • Food security

  • Session 1

    Breeding robust cultivars

    Keynote:  Renseq: a fast-track method for development of potato pests and disease resistance markers from genome sequences

    Ingo Hein

    The James Hutton Institute
    and the University of Dundee

    Our research bridges potato genetics and pathology, partnering with industry to enhance crop protection against biotic threats. We leverage RenSeq for resistance exploration in wild germplasm collections, cultivar association genetics, and marker development for breeding.

    Key topics in the session:

    • Genetics & genetic resources
    • New techniques & hybrid breeding (crispr, cis/trans mm.)
    • Resistance breeding


    Session 1 - Breeding robust Cultivars - oral presentations, Conference hall: Atlantis 1


    Monday July 8:


    Chair: Mehmet Çalişkan


    The role of Yip1 proteins in membrane trafficking and potatoes’ resistance to stress
    Zainab M. Almutairi, Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia


    Phenotypic and genotypic screening for nitrogen and phosphorus efficiencies in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) genetic resources
    Klaus J. Dehmer, Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK), Germany


    Innovative potato breeding through fixation and restitution – the happy medium between conventional tetraploid and diploid F1 hybrid breeding
    Corentin Clot, Plant Breeding, Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands


    Development of new potato varieties for north of Norway
    Hans Arne Krogsti, Graminor AS, Norway


    Transcriptomic dynamics and biochemical insights into anthocyanin-enhanced tolerance to Rhizoctonia solani in potato
    Vincenzo D’Amelia, CNR, Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources, Portici, Italy


    Predictability of breeding further improved by doubled haploid technology
    Wessel Holtman, Fytagoras, The Netherlands


    Tuesday July 9:


    Chair: Marielle Muskens


    Identifying potato cyst nematode resistance gene, Gpa5, with SMRT-AgRenSeq-d
    Yuhan Wang, The University of Dundee, United Kingdom


    Diversity analysis of Rpi genes in potato
    Paulina Paluchowska, Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Intitute - National Research Institute, Poland


    Metabolite diversification and fate of bioactive metabolites in backcrossing lines of wild and cultivated potato for resistance breeding
    Karin Gorzolka, Julius Kuehn Institute, Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants, Germany


    Fusarium dry rot control through host encoded broad spectrum resistance in potato
    Daniel Monino Lopez, Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands


    RNAseq expression analysis of potato tubers differing in resistance to soft rot caused by bacteria Dickeya solani
    Renata Lebecka, IHAR-PIB, Department of Potato Genetics and Parental Lines, Młochów, Poland


    ScabEomics: Spongospora subterranea effectoromics for resistance breeding to powdery scab in potato
    Maria de la O Leyva-Pérez, Crop Science Department, Teagasc, Ireland



    Thursday July 11:


    Chair: Mallikarjuna Rao Kovi


    Salicylic-acid mediated defence against the powdery scab disease
    Samodya Jayasinghe, Washington State University, USA


    Engineering of transgene-free potato late blight resistant plants through base editing
    Jack Vossen, Plant Breeding, Wageningen University and Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands


    Field trials in Sweden of potato with changed expression of resistance and susceptibility genes
    Erik Andreasson, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Alnarp, Sweden




    Chair: Domenico Carputo


    Genomic prediction in potato breeding: status and outlook from the Nordic region of Europe
    Rodomiro Ortiz, SLU, Sweden


    Towards selection of more durable resistance to Globodera pallida
    Julien Leuenberger, IGEPP, INRAE, France


    Marker type and density in tetraploid potato genomic prediction and GWAS – does it matter?
    Trine Aalborg, Aalborg University, Denmark


    Producing a potato pan-NLRome
    Thomas Adams, Department of Cell and Molecular Sciences, James Hutton Institute, United Kingdom


    Genomic selection for late blight resistance in tetraploid potato: preliminary results and impact of the minor allele frequency on predictions
    Charlotte Prodhomme, inov3PT, Paris and IGEPP, INRAE, Institut Agro, Univ Rennes, France


    Targeted genotyping-by-sequencing of potato
    Jeffrey Endelman, Dept. Plant & Agroecosystem Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA



    Friday July 12:


    Chair: Pawel Chrominski


    Comparing yield stability of tetraploid and diploid potato
    Mariëlle Muskens, Agrico Research, Bant, The Netherlands


    A universal potato research reference set - Simplifying research on a complex crop
    Stan Oome HZPC Research BV, Metslawier, The Netherlands


    SNP-based assessment of unique and duplicated accessions in genetic resources of Nordic potatoes
    Morten Rasmussen, NIBIO, Norway

  • Session 2

    Improved potato health

    Keynote: Insects as vectors of pathogens


    May Bente Brurberg

    NIBIO and
    Norwegian University
    of Life Sciences (NMBU)

    PhD from the Agricultural University of Norway (1994). Involved in numerous projects on different microbial pathogens and pests, both of applied and basic character, including topics such as pathogen biology, host‐pathogen-vector interactions as well as detection and diagnosis of pathogens.

    Key topics in the session:

    • Viral diseases
    • Bacterial diseases
    • Certified seed


    Session 2 - oral presentations on Monday July 8:                Conference hall: Atlantis 2


    Chair: Carl Spetz


    Aggressiveness and behavior of different pectinolytic bacteria species involved in potato blackleg disease
    Jérémy Cigna, FN3PT-inov3PT, Paris and CNRS-I2BC, France


    A microscopic examination of potato root infection by Pectobacterium atrosepticum
    Ian Toth, James Hutton Institute, Cell and Molecular Science, Dundee, United Kingdom


    Bacterial wilt of potato: a threat to food security in sub-saharan Africa
    Kalpana Sharma, International Potato Center, Nairobi, Kenya


    Pepper ringspot virus (PepRSV), the latest threat to the South African potato industry
    Lindy Esterhuizen, Agricultural Research Council –Plant Health and Protection, Pretoria, South Africa


    Losses from seedborne Potato Virus Y infection dependent on strain and variety
    Mark Pavek, Washington State University, Dept. of Horticulture, Pullman, USA


    Operator influence on roguing efficacy for controlling potato virus Y (PVY) in seed potato fields
    Brice Dupuis, Agroscope, Plant Production Systems, Nyon, Switzerland

  • Session 3

    Integrated pest management

    Keynote: Prevention and control of late blight


    Alison Lees

    The James Hutton
    Institute, Dundee, UK

    Alison Lees is a senior potato pathologist at The James Hutton Institute. Her research focuses on the epidemiology, detection and integrated management of potato diseases including late blight and soil-borne diseases. Alison is a coordinator of Euroblight ‘A Late-Blight Network for Europe’ and the current chair of the EAPR Pathology and Pests Section.

    Key topics in the session:

    • Late blight
    • Fungal diseases
    • Insects
    • Weeds
    • Disease control strategies (IPM)
    • Low risk pesticides, biostimulants, endophytes


    Oral presentations in session 3                 Conference hall: Atlantis 2


    Tuesday July 9:


    Chair: Brice Dupuis


    Investigating the causal organisms involved with potato early dying in South Africa
    Rene Sutherland, Agricultural Research Council, Vegetable, Industrial and Medicinal Plants, South Africa


    Patat’Up: towards the production of a low-input potato
    Vincent Berthet , Walloon Potato Sector Representant, FIWAP, Gembloux, Belgium


    Benefits of click beetle monitoring for wireworm control
    Katharina Wechselberge, Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety Ltd. and University of Vienna, Austria


    The good, the bad and the ugly: wireworm pests and the cover crops conundrum in potato production
    Bruno Ngala, Rue des Champs Potez, 62217 Achicourt, France


    Extension education on herbicide injury in potato
    Andrew Robinson, North Dakota State University/University of Minnesota, USA


    Streptomyces secondary metabolite effects on Pythium, Colletotrichum and Helminthosporium
    Brad Geary, Brigham Young University, Dept. of Plant and Wildlife Sciences, Provo, Utah, USA


    Thursday July 11:


    Chair: Julie Pasche


    Variety screening for tolerance against Candidatus Phytoplasma solani and Candidatus Arsenophonus phytopathogenicus
    Benjamin Klauk, University of Applied Science Bingen, Germany


    Using machine learning as a predictive tool to improve potato black dot management
    Marta Sanzo-Miro, Plant Science Laboratory, Cranfield University, Bedfordshire, UK


    Effect of mulch cover on wilt symptoms and rubber tubers caused by Candidatus Phytoplasma solani and Candidatus Arsenophonus phytopathogenicus
    Benson Kisinga, University of Applied Science, Bingen, Germany


    Chair: Alison Lees


    Adoption of an early warning system for the integrated management of potato late blight in Chile
    Ivette Acuna, National Research Institute, INIA, Chile


    Creating a synergy between farmers, gardeners, and other stakeholders to eradicate late blight primary inoculum and adopt IPM control strategies
    Pierre Deroo, ARVALIS - Villers-Saint-Christophe, France


    Aggressiveness of Phytophthora infestans isolates from four genotypes widespread in Europe
    Mirella Ludwiczewska, Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute - National Research Institute, Poland


    Rating potato varieties: 30 years of experiments reanalyzed to explicit resistance and explain its variability
    Delphine Chauvin, Arvalis and INRAE, France


    Global solutions for sustainable late blight management: Evaluating the success of 3 R-gene potatoes in Asia and Africa.
    Phillip S. Wharton, University of Idaho, Aberdeen R&E Center, USA


    New mutations in Alternaria solani affect disease management using SDHI / FRAC group 7 fungicides
    Julie S. Pasche, Department of Plant Pathology; North Dakota State University, Fargo, USA

  • Session 4

    Improved soil health

    Keynote: Perspectives of biocontrol of soil borne pathogens and their microbiome interactions in potato

    Laura Grenville-Briggs Didymus

    Department of Plant Protection Biology,
    SLU, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences,
    Alnarp, Sweden

    Leader of the Integrated Plant Protection Unit and the Plant Pathology Lab. My own research group focuses on the molecular and genetic determinants of disease in oomycete and fungal plant pathogens in combination with molecular analysis of interactions between microbial biocontrol agents and their prey along with the soil rhizosphere microbiome communities. We combine these mechanistic studies with applied research, testing combinations of biocontrol agents, plant probiotics and plant resistance inducers and disease modeling strategies, for effective disease control.



    Key topics in the session:

    • Chemical and physical factors
    • Biochar
    • Nematodes
    • Other soilborne organisms
    • Phytobiome


    Oral presentations in session 4, on Thursday July 11                 Conference hall: Atlantis 3


    Chair: Solveig Haukeland


    Geconem: How to collectively manage genetic resistance to potato cyst nematodes?
    Marie-Claire Kerlan, 1IGEPP, INRAE, Institut Agro, Univ Rennes, Ploudaniel, France


    Effects of organic amendments and cover crops on soil characteristics and potato yields
    Tatiana Francischinelli Rittl, NORSØK, Norway


    Comparing the effectiveness of real-time PCRs to simultaneously detect and identify viable Globodera pallida and G. rostochiensis
    Sebastiaan van Kessel, Dutch General Inspection Service for Agricultural Seeds and Seed Potatoes, Emmeloord, the Netherlands

  • Session 5

    Agronomy and tuber physiology

     Keynote:  New insight in seed tuber physiology


    Professor Dr Ir
    Paul Struik,

    Centre for Crop Systems Analysis, Department of Plant Sciences, Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands

    Paul Struik is Emeritus Professor of Crop Physiology. He conducted research on physiology of tuber crops and their seed systems, and (co-)authored over 600 journal articles. He supervised more than 125 PhD students. He is Editor-in-Chief of Potato Research and editor of four other crop journals.

    Key topics in the session:

    • Seed physiology
    • Growing technique
    • Desiccation
    • Irrigation


    Oral presentations in session 5                 Conference hall: Atlantis 3


    Monday July 8: 

    Chair: Dominika Boguszewska-Mańkowska


    Is plant maturity a reliable indicator of bruise susceptibility?
    Michael Thornton, University of Idaho, Department of Plant Sciences, Parma, USA


    Environmentally triggered russeting – an overview
    Idit Ginzberg, Institute of Plant Sciences, Agricultural Research Organization, Volcani Institute, Israel


    Quantifying differences in source-sink relations between hybrid potato plants grown from two types of propagules
    Jiahui Gu, Centre for Crop Systems Analysis, Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands


    Agronomy of field transplanted hybrid potato crops
    Olivia Kacheyo, Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands


    Promoting international collaboration in potato breeding to transfer frost tolerance from wild species Solanum commersonii into native potato cultivars from the Andean region and the Altiplano
    Alfonso H. del Rio, USDA/ARS Potato Genebank, Sturgeon Bay, WI, USA


    Revolutionizing Seed Potato Production System in Africa and Asia
    Kalpana Sharma, International Potato Center, Nairobi, Kenya


    Tuesday July 9:


    Chair: Borghild Glorvigen


    Effect of reduced N-fertilization on nitrogen use efficiency and selected quality parameters in starch potatoes and outlook on the POTENZION project
    Marcel Naumann, University of Goettingen, Department of Crop Sciences, Plant Nutrition and Crop Physiology, Germany


    Impact of in-row nitrogen fertilization on potato crop
    Kürt Demeulemeester, Inagro, Department Arable Crops, Rumbeke-Beitem, Belgium


    Assessing the relationship between nitrogen use efficiency and proteins concentration in potato genotypes
    Ilze Dimante, AREI, Crop Research Department, Priekuļi, Latvia


    Assessing regional potato yield response to phosphorus fertilization in high-phosphorus legacy soils
    Lincoln Zotarelli, University of Florida, Horticultural Sciences Department, Gainesville, FL, USA


    Alternative herbicides for desiccation of potatoes in Norway
    Kirsten S. Tørresen, NIBIO, Norway


    Test of alternatives to diquat in desiccation of potatoes
    Lars Bødker SEGES Innovation P/S, Aarhus, Denmark


    Thursday July 11:

    Chair: Sophia Sonnewald


    The influence of late season evapotranspiration replacement rate on potato yield, quality, and economic return
    Jacob Paul Meeuwsen, Washington State University, Department of Horticulture, Pullman Washington, USA


    Potato cultivation without tillage using straw mulch for sustainable agricultural intensification in Asian rice-based systems
    Jan Kreuze, International Potato Center (CIP), Lima, Peru


    Effects of soil salinity and drought on potato production
    Ke Shan, Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands

  • Session 6

    Precision technology in potato cultivation

    Keynote:  Towards data-driven precision crop management of potato


    Dr Ir
    Corné Kempenaar

    Wageningen University & Reserach, dept. Agro Systems Reserach, The Netherlands

    WU graduate in plant sciences with a PhD on biological weed control, more than 30 years as agronomist in applied research projects of WPR, including decision support models for crop protection, weed control and precision farming. In recent years, the focus shifts more and more to data-driven farming, working e.g. with the WUR data platform www.farmmaps.net. Besides researcher at WPR, he is associate professor at Aeres University of Applied Sciences on precision farming and board member of Dutch pesticide registration authority CTGB.


     Keynote: Next generation of more efficient fertilizers


    Søren Husted

    Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

    My research is mainly focused on the mineral nutrition of plants, working across the full spectrum from fundamental studies dealing with regulating of uptake, translocation and assimilation of mineral ions to more applied aspects of field based fertilization. Currently we have a strong focus on studying the mechanisms controlling uptake of plant nutrients across the leaf surface barrier in order to improve the basis for foliar fertilization. To create a future population of more efficient fertilizers, we have integrated nanotechnology in our work and recently we have documented that foliar fertilization of potato and barley can be significantly improved using a nano-fertilization.

    Key topics in the session:

    • Variable rate applications
    • Remote sensing
    • Engineering
    • DSS

    Oral presentations in session 6 on Monday July 8:                 Conference hall: Nautilus


    Chair: Corné Kempenaar


    Risk maps in VIPS deliver late blight warnings at high spatial resolution
    Berit Nordskog, NIBIO, Norway


    Potassium management strategy in starch potatoes
    Malte Nybo Andersen, SEGES Innovation P/S, Aarhus, Denmark


    Using drone-retrieved multispectral data for phenomic selection in potato breeding
    Alessio Maggiorelli, Institute for Quantitiative Genetics and Genomics of Plants, HHU, Düsseldorf Germany


    Screening a breeding program for nitrogen use efficiency using drone imagery
    Laura M. Shannon, Department of Horticultural Science, University of Minnesota, USA



    In-season potato crop nitrogen status assessment from satellite and meteorological data
    Jean-Pierre Goffart, Walloon Agricultural Research Center (CRA-W), Gembloux, Belgium


    Combining remote sensing and crop growth model for better decision support on water and nitrogen management in potato crops
    Fedde D. Sijbrandij, Wageningen Plant Research, The Netherlands

  • Session 7

    Sustainability in a changing climate

    Keynote: The impact of climatic change on potato production: a focus on water management


    Professor Dr Ir
    Anne Gobin

    Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, University of Leuven (KU Leuven)


    Anne has expertise in crop modelling, climate and extreme weather impacts on cropping systems and agricultural water management. She combines time series satellite and weather data to simulate soil-water-carbon interactions in cropping systems from the field to regional scale.

    Key topics in the session:

    • Drought & heat resistance
    • Potato – a sustainable crop – carbon inventory
    • Production systems (Integrated, organic, regenerative)


    Oral presentations in session 7                 Conference hall: Nautilus


    Tuesday July 9:

    Chair: Laura Grenville-Briggs


    Unravelling the molecular mechanisms of heat-induced decrease in starch content in potato tubers
    Sophia Sonnewald, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany


    Characterizing the Stsp5g a Stsp5g b double mutant as a partial remedy for heat stress 
    Akiva Shalit-Kanehx, ARO, Department of Vegetables and Field Crops, Gilat, Israel


    Efforts to model crop response to hot and dry environments
    Jian Liu, Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands


    Effects of climate change on late blight and early blight of potato
    Roman Valade, ARVALIS, Boigneville, France


    Investigations on nitrogen efficiency and nitrous oxide emissions under reduced N-fertilisation in starch potato cultivation in northern Germany
    Hubertus Blanke, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany


    Comparison of the carbon footprint of potato cultivation and processing with other crops and products: What contribution can the potato make to sustainable production?
    Marcel Naumann, University of Goettingen, Germany


    Thursday July 11:


    Chair: Sophia Sonnewald


    Can drought tolerant potato genotyped be selected based on phenotypic traits?
    Karin I Köhl, Max Planck-Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Germany


    Does glasshouse trials enable to estimate drought resistance in the field?
    Maverick Gouerou, UMR IGEPP, INRAE, France and Agroscope, Switzerland


    Predicting the tolerance of potato genotypes to drought stress based on the root/shoot relationship in the initial period of plant development
    Dominika Boguszewska-Mańkowska, Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute- National Research Institute in Radzików Division, Jadwisin, Poland


  • Session 8

    Post harvest

    Keynote:  Preserving potato qualities in stores in a future with increasing constraints


    Nora Olsen

    University of Idaho,

    Dr. Nora Olsen’s research program for 25 years has focused on field and storage management, sprout and disease control, seed physiology, harvest and handling, and cultivar evaluations. She is a past-President of the Potato Association of America and current Vice-President of the World Potato Congress.


    Key topics in the session:

    • Storage technology
    • Processing
    • Tuber quality

    Oral presentations in session 8 on Thursday July 11:                 Conference hall: Nautilus


    Chair: Michel Martin


    Towards smart potato storage: using CFD modeling and simulation to realize optimized and efficient ventilation within potato storage buildings
    Petro Demissie Tegenaw, ILVO, Instituut voor Landbouw-, Visserij- en Voedingonderzoek, Voeding Technologie, Merelbeke, Belgium


    Developing automatic tools in the assessment of potato qualities
    Fadi El Hage, ARVALIS – Institut du Végétal, Pôle Stockage et Valorisation de la Pomme de terre, France


    Effect of water stress in potato crop on post-harvest sprouting
    Margot Visse-Mansiaux, Agroscope, Swiss Confederation’s center for agricultural research, Switzerland


    Chair: Andreas Meyer


    OptiGERM : a French online Decision Support System to help the industry on tuber sprout control management in stores
    Michel Martin, ARVALIS-Institut du végétal, Saint Christophe, France


    Sprout inhibitors combination for a better efficacy and rates modulations
    Morgane Flesch, ARVALIS, Villers-Saint-Christophe, France


    1,4-Dimethylnaphthalene performance in temperature-controlled shipping containers
    Henning Bergmann, DormFresh Ltd. Perth, UK


    Transcriptomic changes induced by DMN exposure in dormant tubers of three potato cultivars
    Emily P. Dobry, College of Agricultural Science, Pennsylvania State University, USA


    Greening of potato tubers in grocery stores can be reduced by appropriate storage and packaging
    Hanne Larsen, Nofima, Norway


    Glycoalkaloids in processing potatoes and fried potato products: formation and stability
    Christina Meyeers, Max-Rubner Institute, Germany

  • Session 10

    Connecting research to practice

    Keynote: Success factors for transferring knowledge from science to growers


    Potato coordinator
    Borghild Glorvigen

    Norwegian Agricultural Advisory Service |
    Norwegian Potato Forum

    Background in agronomy and plant protection. She has a dr. scient in storage diseases in potatoes. She has been working with plant protection, dissemination of research, as an advisor for potato farmers. She specializes in potato production and is the editor of www.potet.no


     Keynote: Linking science and industry


    Ian Toth

    James Hutton Institute and Visiting Professior at the University of Glasgow, United Kingdom

    I am a potato pathologist working on blackleg disease caused by Pectobacterium and Dickeya species. My main interest is to bring together academics and industry to solve real-world problems. I am Director of Scotland’s Plant Health Centre and Director of the National Potato Innovation Centre. 

    Workshop Friday July 12                 Conference hall: Atlantis 3

    10.30    Chair: Jean Pierre Goffart


    Workshop: Connecting research to practice

    Short introduction to the workshop:

    • Global coordination of potato research through the International Potato Partnership.
      Iain Kirkwood, Potatoes New Zealand
    • Connecting R &D and the potato chain in Belgium.
      Pierre Le Brun, FIWAP, Belgium


  • Closing session

    11 .30 Conference hall Atlantis 1 + 2

  • Posters

    A full list of submitted posters indicating when they will be presented is available as a PDF file here

  • Excursions

    • After the registration deadline, there will be five different tours on the excursion day, Wednesday, July 10. Registered participants will receive notification on which tour they will join. 
      NB.:  Busses leave from Sjøflyhavna, The Seaplane harbour, at 7.30 wednesday morning. Don't be late for your excursion.



Venue, travel and contact


The venue for the conference is Scandic Fornebu Hotel located in Oslo, close to the Oslo fjord. The hotel can accommodate more than 300 participants and has very nice facilities for the conference. The conference has negotiated a very good price for participants staying in this hotel. Our conference will benefit, both professionally and socially, if most of the attendants choose to stay in the same hotel. Hotel booking is part of your registration for the conference. Availability is first come, first serve, do not hesitate!

The conference dinner will be at Sjømagasinet. https://www.sjomagasinet.no/ 

 The price of the conference dinner includes transport by bus from and to the conference hotel. Photo: Shyamal, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons




The street adress of the hotel is Martin Lingesvei 2, 1364 Fornebu

From Oslo Airport Gardermoen, travel by train to Skøyen train station, and change to bus no. 31 towards Fornebu/Snarøya for 6 stops. Getting off at IT Fornebu, the walking distance to the hotel is 398 m. Your train ticket from the airport to Skøyen is also valid on the bus, cost: 118 NOK.
If you chose a taxi from Skøyen, the price on a sunday afternoon will be aproximately 180 NOK.

Google travel directions


Student support

EAPR will financially support 10 PhD students to attend the 22nd Triennial Conference EAPR2024 in Oslo.
The support will reimburse registration fee, travel and accommodation cost. Rules and instructions on how to apply.


Application deadline is 15 December 2023.


Inquieries regarding the EAPR 2024 conference may be submitted below, or directly to eapr2024@nibio.no

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Call for abstracts

General information

  • Abstracts may be submitted for oral or poster presentations, in English only, by e-mail to eapr24abst@nibio.no, last call by 1st March 2024.
  • Abstract acceptance will normally be decided about 14 days after we have received the abstract.
  • Decision regarding oral or poster presentations will be notified by March 2024.
  • The scientific program and abstracts will be published online on the Conference and EAPR websites, submission of the abstract constitutes the Authors' consent to such publication.

Abstract submission guidelines

Before submitting your abstract, thank you for paying attention to the following guidelines:

  • Your abstract (without the title and the list of authors) must not exceed 2500 characters (including spaces)
  • In order to easily prepare the proceedings, we ask you to prepare your text in Times New Roman, size 12, single spaced.
  • Download the abstract template and fill inn the fields (if you intend to submit two abstracts, please make two files).
  • Save the abstract template as a Word file (.doc or .docx)
  • Rename the file(s) inserting your last name and the number 1 and 2 (for a second abstract) (i.e Smith1_EAPR2024_abstract.doc and Smith2_EAPR2024_abstract.doc)
  • Fill out the session number (1-10) from the Program, where you suggest your abstract belongs.
  • Send your abstract attached to an e-mail to: eapr24abst@nibio.no, indicate in the email if you prefer to give an oral or poster presentation.