Invitation to Algae Symposium
The 2nd Nordic Algae Symposium 2019 – NAS19 will be held on 27 of February 2019 in Thon Hotel Bristol in Oslo, Norway. NAS was initiated by the University of Turku and the first Symposium took place 31 January 2018 in Helsinki (
Who will attend?
The Symposium will gather researchers and representatives of relevant industrial sectors from Nordic countries and other European regions working with micro- and macroalgae.
NIBIO - the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, Ås, Norway is the main organiser of NAS19. The meeting is organised under the auspices of the NordAqua Nordic Center of Excellence and European Algae Biomass Association (EABA).
Purpose of the Symposium
We want to strengthen the Nordic co-operation on algae related activities and believe that Nordic algae Symposia will serve that purpose. The Symposium will enhance co-operation and facilitate interactions between algae related research teams and industry. Furthermore, the Symposium will promote activities related to algae in the framework of the blue circular bioeconomy, contribute to the green shift and pave the way for new start-up companies.
The day before the NAS19, you are invited to visit NIBIOs microalgae lab, and the recently established pilot photobioreactor room.
Symposium abstracts
Abstract contributions are welcomed from representatives of industry, policy makers, and researchers working in Nordic countries, but also from outside the Nordic boundaries. Please submit your abstract for oral and poster presentations, up to 200 words, by 1. February 2019 via email to
The most adequate abstracts will be selected for oral presentations, in addition to the invited speakers. All other abstracts submissions are invited for poster presentations. Access to the Abstract eBook will be restricted to registered participants and the final Abstract eBook (PDF version) will be available for downloading shortly after the Symposium.
Please register for the NAS19 Symposium and lab excursion at the latest by 1. February 2019.
Links for booking hotel rooms are listed on the registration page.
The details of the full programme will be announced soon at
Looking forward to meeting you in Oslo in February 2019.
The Second Annual meeting of NorAqua
For those concerned, please note that the symposium is held back-to-back with the Second Annual meeting of the Nordic Center of Excellence ‘Towards Versatility of Aquatic Production Platforms: Unlocking the Value of Nordic Bioresources’ (NordAqua, funded by NordForsk).
Activity is finished and you can no longer register.
The program is continuously updated
- 08:30 - 09.00
Registration and coffee
- 09:00
Dr. Arne H. Hermansen, Division Director, NIBIO
- 09:10
SESSION 1: Transition to algae industry
Chair Stig A. Borgvang, Head of Department Algae production and Coordinator Algae To Future project - NIBIO, Norway
- 09:20
Stimulating new resources and value chains in the bioeconomy
Ole Jørgen Marvik,Special Advisor - Innovation Norway
- 09:35
Brief presentation of EABA - The European Algae Biomass Association
Vitor Verdelho Vieira, General Manager -EABA, Portugal
- 09:50
Microalgae - Potential for Norwegian agriculture
Dag Hjelle, CEO - Folvengaard AS, Norway
- 10:10
From lab scale to pilot factory: Navigating through an ocean of bioreactors
Maren Gagnat, Biologist - C-feed AS, Norway
- 10:25
Waste, the Most Valuable Resource - Algaepro establishes large scale production based on circular Bioeconomy
Hans Marki, CTO - Algae Pro AS, Norway
- 10:40
Challenges in Macroalgae production - from gametophyte to product
Nikolai Buer, CEO - Lofoten Blue Harvest, Norway
- 10:55
Poster viewing with coffee break
- 11:40
Microalgae: turning a new page in aquafeed development
Prof. Kiron Viswanath, NORD University, Norway
- 12:00
Algae - cancer medicine of tomorrow?
Bjørn Klem, General Manager - Oslo Cancer Cluster Incubator, Norway
- 12:15
From Research to Innovation
Kaia Kjølbo Rød, Project Developer - Ard Innovation, Norway
- 12:30
SESSION 2: Nordic Algae Research
Chair Prof. Peter Lindblad, Uppsala University, Sweden
- 12:40
How to create a knowledge and technology platform enabling the establishment of a viable microalgae industry as a part of the new Norwegian bioeconomy
Stig A. Borgvang, NIBIO, Norway
- 13.00 - 13.50
- 13:50
Cultivation of Scenedesmus acuminatus in an outdoor raceway pond for nutrient recovery from source-separated urine
Assoc. Prof. Aino-Maija Lakaniemi, Tampere University, Finland
- 14:10
Optimising growth of the green macroalga Ulva Lactuca (Chlorophyta) from North Norway
Dr. Ralf Rautenberger, NIBIO, Norway
- 14:30
Algal carbohydrates and their novel applications
Assoc. Prof. Yumiko Sakuragi, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- 14:50
Energy-efficient cultivation of microalgae
Dr. Johan Engelbrektsson, RISE, Sweden
- 15:10
Oral poster presentations
15:10 Poster 1
15:20 Poster 2
- 15:30
Coffee break with snacks
- 16:00
Oral poster presentations continue
16:00 Poster 3
16:10 Poster 4
- 16:20
SESSION 3: Highlights from the NordAqua Consortium
Chair Prof. Eva-Mari Aro, University of Turku, Finland
- 16:30
Microalgae as biocatalysts for chemical production
Assoc. Prof. Yagut Allahverdiyeva-Rinne, University of Turku, Finland
- 16:50
Value chain optimization for macro- and microalgae products
Dr. Mathilde Skogen Chauton, SINTEF, Norway
- 17:10
Optimizing cyanobacteria for bioproduction
Assoc. Prof. Karin Stensjö, Uppsala University, Sweden
- 17:30
Stig A. Borgvang, NIBIO, Norway
- 19:00
Conference dinner at Hotel Bristol
NAS19 is organised by NIBIO – Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, with advisory support from a recurrent International Advisory Board consisting of members representing Norway, Sweden and Finland, in addition to European Algae Biomass Association (EABA).
International Advisory Board:
Vitor Verdelho Vieira (EABA)
Eva Mari Aro (University of Turku)
Yagut Allahverdiyeva-Rinne (University of Turku)
Peter Lindblad (Uppsala University)
Kari Skjånes (NIBIO)
Local Organising Committee, NIBIO:
Stig A. Borgvang
Hanne Skomedal
Kari Skjånes
Cathrine Lill Broch
Kari Munthe
For any questions please write to:
All hotels are within short walking distance from the Symposium hotel.
The participants book and pay the hotel directly.
Hotel Bristol - Symposium hotel
Phone: +47 22826010
Hotel Bondeheimen
Contact: phone. +47 23 21 41 00 or email. Provide reference: 644950
Smarthotel Oslo
Contact: email. Provide reference. 22269
Scandic Karl Johan
Contact: email. or phone. +47 23 15 53 00 Provide reference: BNIB260219 and credit card details
Thon Hotel Cecil
Contact: Provide reference: 260219NIBI